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L'ADN de Concorde Invest

Who are we ?

by Thomas Dubreuil, founder


I invested in stone very early on. People around me have asked me to help them in the acquisition and sale of their real estate. 


Encouraged by the strong demand from my network wishing to sell or buy at the best price with a top-of-the-range service, I left my position as a financial analyst in 2004.

In May 2005 I created the real estate agency Concorde Invest… place de la Concorde in Paris.


The company took off very quickly. To date, the agency has more than half a thousand sales to its credit, in Paris and the Parisian suburbs.

But this success did not happen by itself! I would rather say that it rests on two pillars:

- a team of experienced and committed consultants,

- a top-of-the-range service whatever the good.


To learn more about our commitments and what is important to us, I invite you to continue reading below 


See you soon

La société a très rapidement décollé. À ce jour, l’agence compte plus d’un demi millier de ventes à son actif, à Paris et en banlieue parisienne.

Mais ce succès n’est pas arrivé tout seul ! Je dirais plutôt qu’il repose sur deux piliers :

- une équipe de consultants expérimentés et investis,

- un service haut-de-gamme quel que soit le bien.


Pour en savoir plus sur nos engagements et ce qui nous tient à coeur, je vous invite à poursuivre la lecture ci-dessous 


À très bientôt

Des prestations premium et all inlusive

Premium and all-inclusive services

At Concorde Invest, we make every effort to sell the properties entrusted to us, under the best price and time conditions.


With us, the premium pack is automatically integrated into our services. This is the spirit in which we work.


This notably involves:

- taking professional photographs,

- the creation of 3D plans,

- optimal referencing on professional real estate sites,

- a visit accompanied by a partner architect depending on the project.

- systematic verification, with the help of our broker partner Concorde Crédit, of the borrowing capacity of the acquiring clients that we present.


Concorde Invest offers tailor-made marketing strategies according to the type of property, the local market concerned, the context of the sale. This is to optimize the selling price.

We are particularly solicited by clients selling prestigious properties: nous  offer them the possibility of marketing their property “off market”. In this case, we rely on our files of potential buyers.


This preserves the confidentiality of our customers and the image of their property.

The women and men behind Concorde Invest

Les femmes et les hommes derrière Concorde Invest

The Concorde Invest team is made up of consultants who all have more than 15 years of professional experience. They have a perfect command of the Paris real estate market and negotiation techniques.


What brings us together is a strong sense of belonging to the agency, the joy of working together.


Would you like to get to know Concorde Invest consultants better? Find out what drives them here (link to biographies).


Our challenge being to satisfy our customers, we place them at the center of our concerns. To increase efficiency, we work hand in hand, in a collaborative way: we believe in the power of networking.

So much so that we are currently investing in software that allows our consultants (and therefore our clients!) to be even more efficient and responsive.

Notre engagement

Our commitment: trust, honesty and kindness

Our customers come to us by recommendation, word of mouth. It is the integrity of the consultant and the quality of our service that make our reputation. We have no choice but to establish a long-term relationship of trust with our customers.

Our commitment is to live up to the trust our customers place in us when they hand over the keys to their homes.


Our job is to find the best possible compromise to satisfy both seller and buyer.

Votre consultant

Your Concorde Invest consultant: a single point of contact

Our consultants follow their client from start to finish of the sales process. The interlocutor in whom you grant your trust masters all aspects of the sale of a property. It is him who :

-  defines the marketing strategy with you,

-  takes care of visits and reports after each visit,

-  conducts negotiations with buyers,

-  accompanies you until the final signature at the notary.


Your contact is your expert partner, responsible for the success of your project.


Our bias is that each consultant is only dedicated to a few properties at the same time, so as to always be reactive and available for his clients.

Nos clients

Our clients

We have a constantly renewed and updated file of more than 1,000 targeted customers, mainly Parisians or internationals, in active search.


Some want to find a bigger apartment in their neighborhood, others are looking for a Parisian pied-à-terre, a house with a garden when the family grows. We also support investors.

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